
Photonic & Optical Materials

Photonic & Optical Materials


Photonics is a technology which uses photons from radiant energy (such as visible light or infrared beams) to transmit data, instead of electrons. Compared to traditional electronics, photonics has numerous advantages for information- and image-processing technologies, including larger bandwidths, quicker response rates, and less noise from extraneous electromagnetic fields. The nonlinear optical (NLO) process plays an essential role in photonic applications due to its ability to change the properties of light, such as frequency, phase, amplitude, or transmission characteristics when the light passes through an NLO-active medium.

Among our photonic and optical materials, we offer a wide range of dyes (laser, infrared (IR), chemiluminescent, phthalocyanine/porphyrin, photochromic and thermochromic), as well as non-linear optical (NLO), photoluminescent and refractive index (RI) control materials. ​Light up your light-management and display technology research with​ our comprehensive portfolio of products.

Otto Chemie Pvt Ltd - Manufacturers of Photonic & Optical Materials in India.​

Photonic & Optical Materials

1 to 1 of 1 item(s) displayed

Code Product Name CAS No. MSDS Pricing
E 0874 Ethyl 4-(dimethylamino)benzoate, ≥99% 10287-53-3 View

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Not for medical, household or any other uses, for lab use only, Please test before use.