
Didymium compounds

Didymium compounds

Didymium - is a mixture of the elements praseodymium and neodymium. It is used in safety glasses for glassblowing and blacksmithing, especially with a gas (propane)-powered forge, where it provides a filter that selectively blocks the yellowish light at 589 nm emitted by the hot sodium in the glass, without having a detrimental effect on general vision, unlike dark welder's glasses. Didymium photographic filters are often used to enhance autumn scenery by making leaves appear more vibrant. It does this by removing part of the orange region of the color spectrum, acting as an optical band-stop filter.

Otto Chemie Pvt Ltd - Manufacturers of Didymium compounds in India.

Didymium compounds

1 to 1 of 1 item(s) displayed

Code Product Name CAS No. MSDS Pricing
D 1625 Didymium oxide 11141-21-2 View

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Not for medical, household or any other uses, for lab use only, Please test before use.