
Certificate of Analysis

Sodium acetate, trihydrate, for molecular biology, 99%+

Code: S 1621

(For eg. B 1615-0108)

Sodium acetate, CH3COONa, an aa abbreviatit NaOAc, an aa sodium ethanoate, is the sodium saut o acetic acid. This colourless saut haes a wide range o uises.

S 1621 (OTTO) Sodium acetate, trihydrate, for molecular biology, 99%+ Cas 6131-90-4 - used in various applications. S 1621 (OTTO) Sodium acetate, trihydrate, for molecular biology, 99%+ Cas 6131-90-4 - used as a buffer of pH range in between to 4.0 to 6.0. S 1621 (OTTO) Sodium acetate, trihydrate, for molecular biology, 99%+ Cas 6131-90-4 - used in the purification and precipitation of nucleic acids and in protein crystallization.