
Certificate of Analysis

Pyrrole, 99%

Code: P 2825

(For eg. B 1615-0108)

Pyrrole is a heterocyclic aromatic organic compound, a five-membered ring with the formula C4H4NH. It is a colorless volatile liquid that darkens readily upon exposure to air.

P 2825 (OTTO) Pyrrole, 99% Cas no 109-97-7 - used in the electropolymerisation of macroporous conducting polymer films. P 2825 (OTTO) Pyrrole, 99% Cas no 109-97-7 - used in the pharmaceutical industry. P 2825 (OTTO) Pyrrole, 99% Cas no 109-97-7 - used as lightfast red, scarlet, and carmine pigments.